In the second Affrice tabula of the 1482 edition the following names used by Leonardo are found : “trigon fl.”; “triton palus”; “pallas palus”, and, written exactly below the mark for the southern swamp (the highest with regard to the course of the river) – whose name has been omitted – is the name of a Libyan race, “Mimaces”, which because of the indistinct markings of the second and third letters certainly gave rise to Leonardo’s “munace”. In the 1490 edition instead we find, for the corresponding illustration, the names: «. Triton. F. ”; “Tritonitis palvs”; “ . Pallas . palvs. ”; “ . Libya . Palvs.” (avoiding with this last name the omission of the Ulm edition), and below : “Mimaces”. On the same sheet of the Leicester manuscript showing the geographic names now mentioned, Leonardo speaks of the swamps of the Nile, marked on the fourth and last Affrice tabula, and refers to information about the origin of this river: “montes lune: ab hys montibus nili paludes niues suscipiunt» (see also the first illustration, world map, of the Cosmography). And earlier, Leonardo had made mention of the Rhine and its derivation from lakes of “gostantia”, “curia” and “lucerne”, as suggested to him by the representation of the illustration inserted, in the 1482 edition , after the tercia Europe tabula, and missing in the 1490 Rome edition. Without stopping to point out all the geographical indications scattered throughout the Leicester manuscript, it should be observed that two other pages, as well as those examined, present particularly numerous and interesting points of contact with the illustrations of the Cosmography printed in Ulm in 1482. The other sheet which offers interesting points of comparison is 31 recto. The tabula IV et ultima Affrice, which extends from the Red Sea to Fretum Herculeum may have served Leonardo for his considerations on the original events in the Mediterranean before the separation of Gibraltar, and derived perhaps, through Strabone or another source, from Strato of Lampsacus. Further comparisons may be made for some other fragments of the Atlantico Codex; specifically for sheet 95 v. -b, giving rise to a more correct reading and interpretation of the text. The other source, which it is worth spending a few words on, is suggested by two notes already mentioned, one on sheet 192 r. d of the Arundel Codex: “cierchi in firenze dellaramõdina”(look for the ramodina in Florence), and the other on sheet 2 r. of the Leicester manuscript: “to laramõdina”. The form of these two brief annotations, which is rather strange upon first impact, does not provide any better supposition than to imagine that Leonardo was referring to a printed work or manuscript which he was interested in or from which he expected to obtain interesting opinions on the more obscure or most debated questions among the “filosafi” (philosophers).